Why Saying Yes Now Can Lead to Success Later
By Lode Blomme
- 3 minutes read - 492 wordsOpportunities come in different shapes and sizes. They can be big or small, they can come unexpectedly or after years of hard work. But regardless of how they appear, one thing is certain: if you’re given an opportunity, take it and figure out how to do it later.
Why is this so important? Because opportunities are rare and precious, and they often come with a sense of urgency. If you hesitate or overthink, you might miss your chance, and it may not come back. But if you seize the opportunity and commit to making it work, you can unlock a world of possibilities and potential.
Let’s look at an example. Imagine you’re a freelance writer, and you’ve been offered a contract to write a book for a major publisher. This is a dream opportunity, but there’s one catch: the topic of the book is not something you’re familiar with, and you have no idea how to approach it.
Your first instinct might be to decline the offer or ask for more time to think. But if you do that, you risk losing the opportunity and missing out on a chance to showcase your skills and build your reputation. So what should you do?
The answer is simple: take the opportunity and figure out how to do it later. In other words, say yes to the offer and then focus all your energy and resources on learning about the topic, researching the market, and developing a plan to execute the project.
This might seem daunting, but it’s not impossible. You can start by reading books, articles, and studies about the topic. You can also interview experts, attend conferences, and join online communities to get a better understanding of the audience, the competition, and the trends in the field.
Once you have a solid grasp of the topic, you can start brainstorming ideas, outlining chapters, and creating a rough draft of the book. You can also seek feedback from beta readers, editors, and mentors to refine your work and improve your craft.
By taking the opportunity and committing to learning and growing, you can not only deliver a high-quality book for the publisher but also gain valuable skills and insights that will serve you well in future projects. You might even discover a new passion or niche that you never considered before.
Of course, taking an opportunity without a plan or preparation can be risky and lead to failure. But that’s why it’s important to have a growth mindset, a willingness to learn and adapt, and a strong work ethic. With these qualities, you can turn any opportunity into a stepping stone for success.
So if you’re given an opportunity, take it and figure out how to do it later. Opportunities are rare and precious, and they often require courage, resilience, and creativity. But if you embrace them and commit to making them work, you can achieve great things and unlock your full potential.